Pickup Action's Fifth Stop Shenzhen's East and West Dapeng Peninsula

Pickup Action's Fifth Stop Shenzhen's East and West Dapeng Peninsula, One of China's Ten Most Beautiful Coastlines
With mountains flanking the sea and rugged terrain all around, we stepped onto the sandy beaches and rocky shores, clearing hard-to-decompose waste from every spot we passed along the coastline.
The landscape is half mountainous, half coastal. We walked on soil and rocks, experiencing dual satisfaction. On the day of the hike, it drizzled continuously. We put on our pre-prepared raincoats and kept going. The rain-soaked rocks reduced friction, making the journey more challenging and unpredictable.
During our cleanup, we found that most of the waste was plastic, largely trapped under the rocks. If not manually cleaned, this waste could be swept into the sea during high tide, threatening the marine ecological balance. Despite the bad weather, treacherous path, and the fact that most participants lacked outdoor experience, we stuck to our plan and reached the summit without leaving any human-made litter behind.
"Pickup Action" is a long-term mountain cleanup initiative launched by PandaPrank, aimed at improving the wilderness environment and reducing plastic pollution. Since October 2023, we have followed the Leave No Trace (LNT) principles and promoted monthly hikes.
Heading towards the mountains and living for the wild. Which mountain will we conquer next? Follow PandaPrank's "Pickup Action" and join us in keeping the natural highlands clean.